

Energy Healer, Intuitive Channel, Mystic, Psychedelic Guide, Integration Coach
I am passionate about helping people unlock their innate spiritual and healing abilities, as my own life and work has oriented around the path of healing and spiritual development. Through energy work and somatic release, channeled messages of timeless wisdom, psychedelic work, and mentorship in the mystical arts, I love helping others reawaken dormant parts of themselves, reigniting their excitement for their lives.
“Perhaps all the dragons of our lives are princesses who are only waiting to see us once beautiful and brave. Perhaps everything terrible is, in its deepest being, something helpless that wants help from us.”
- Rainer Maria Rilke

All About Taylor

Taylor awoke to channeling – specifically, Somatic Channeling at a forest rave in 2016 while on psychedelics. She sat to meditate on a mountain outcropping in the middle of the night after hours of dancing, and “received” Somatic Channeling for the first time: her arms moving into yogic postures automatically, beyond her conscious control resulting in a full energetic clearing. It felt like coming home.

Taylor’s Journey

This came after a Kundalini Awakening at the age of 21, an initiatory near-death experience in the desert at the age of 23, 15+ years of spiritual study and seeking in various traditions (Zen Buddhism, Krishna Consciousness, astrology, tarot, Chinese Medicine, Tantra and more), psychedelic exploration in traditional ceremonial and recreational spaces, a lifetime of dance training, and a complex history of depression, anxiety, CPTSD, and intergenerational family trauma rooted in sexual abuse, addiction and severe mental illness.

Deep Listening

After this first Initiation with Somatic Channeling, she meditated for several years before being able to receive the modality consciously and without plant medicine. The second Somatic Channeling initiation came spontaneously (sober) on Swami’s Beach in CA, outside of Yogananda’s Self-Realization Center. She then was formally initiated into the Kriya Yoga tradition. She also became a certified Psychedelic Facilitator through SoundMind Institute, and weaves conscious medicine use into her work. However, she emphasizes psychedelic integration, and the majority of her work, mentorship and somatic/verbal channeling is done sober – itself a result of her own psychedelic integration.

A Steward of Somatic Channeling

Flash forward to the present, she now sees clients regularly, offering Somatic Channeling energy work sessions, verbal channeling, and mentorship and training to others. She feels it is her sacred calling in this incarnation to not only share her gifts by being an energy worker and channel of the highest integrity, but by stewarding Somatic Channeling on Earth by guiding and training practitioners who feel deeply connected to this modality.

Through Somatic Channeling, she woke up to verbal channeling (channeling Spirit Guides and other non-physical energies), mediumship, light language, and other mystical abilities. However, Somatic Channeling is her focus, as she believes it to be an incredibly profound healing modality that awakens the dormant Self beyond ego, active in every human body.

She credits Somatic Channeling and psychedelics for her own healing; her path has oriented around healing herself and helping others awaken to their own innate healing wisdom.

Schedule a One-Off Session with Taylor

Personal Channeling Session (Channeled Guidance)
Session Length: 60 Minutes
Have you ever wanted to receive guidance from beyond this realm? As a channel, Taylor enters trance and imparts guidance and wisdom from her spirit guides and higher energies. Come prepared with a few thoughtful questions that you'd like answers to. She also channels Light Language for energetic activation.
Cost: $190
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Somatic Channeling Self-Work Session
Session Length: 60 Minutes
Everyone has the ability to unlock their body’s innate healing wisdom. Through somatic experiencing and guided meditation, Taylor shows others how to perceive and palpably sense their own energy field, as well as tap into intuited, simple movement for the purposes of unwinding and releasing deeply stored trauma and unprocessed emotion. This is called Level 1 Somatic Channeling - a deep, sacred healing modality anyone can access.
Cost: $190
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Somatic Channeling Energy Work
Session Length: 60 Minutes
Taylor's signature energy work modality, which unblocks and clears stagnant patterns of stuck trauma, emotion and energy within the physical body as well as the chakras/entire energy field, leading to better health, wholeness, and integrated well-being.
Cost: $190
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Integration Session
Session Length: 60 Minutes
Have you had a psychedelic experience - recently or in the past - that you'd like help understanding? Or integrating into your daily practice and life? As a certified psychedelic facilitator with two decades of medicine experience, let me help you translate the insight gained in the journey space into tangible real-world action.
Cost: $150
Schedule a Session Now