Journey Within: Tending to Our Grief

Saturday, February 8, 2025

10:00am-12:00pm MT

Location: Virtual
12 Participants Welcome
Cost: $48

About This Workshop

Tending to Our Grief is a sacred container dedicated to learning about and experiencing grief in community.

Tending to Our Grief is the first workshop in Rooted Expansion’s monthly workshop Series: Journey Within. Journey Within offers experiential and educational workshops, supporting the Rooted Expansion community in their integration and becoming process. Each workshop explores a unique topic such as grief, energy work, astrology, dreamwork, and our relationship with plant teachers. Each session is a unique entryway into deeper understanding of Self.

While this workshop offers a taste of Kinde’s unique medicine, she also offers opportunities to deepen through 1:1 support and group offerings.

You’re invited to Journey Within and what a joy it is to walk together.


Meet the Facilitator

Kinde works with people in many areas of change and transformation, such as navigating life transitions, working with grief, and supporting emotional and psycho-spiritual development and wellbeing.


Integral Coach & Rites of Passage Guide
What a joy it is to Journey Within, T O G E T H E R !